Launch In to Learning

school readiness program

What will my child learn?

Launch Into Learning is designed by teachers to give your child the tools and support they need to ensure they are ready for their first year of school.

Launch Into Learning is held in a home-like environment to provide your child with a safe and relaxed setting. Groups are limited to 8 children to ensure educators are able to support everyone. Skills are developed in a fun and engaging manner including:

Pre-literacy skills

Phonological awareness and oral language skills in a fun and engaging way.

Pre-writing skills

Fine and gross motor skills, pencil grip, and letter formation.


Number recognition, counting and exposure to mathematical language.


Listening skills, turn taking, sharing, following instructions, and organisational skills.


Building resilience, confidence and self-regulation skills.  

Launch into Learning summer holiday program             

Who: Children aged 4 -6 starting school in 2023           

When: Monday – Friday, January 9th – 20th                       

Time: 10am – 12pm                                                            

Where: Lift Learning HQ, 18 Gaylard Street, Shepparton

Investment: $650